Friday, November 20, 2009

Deadbolt is Friday. Its not just any friday. Today is Friday, Nov. 20, 2009. It is a special day. Today is the Thrice concert. A concert that I am not able to attend anymore.

Thrice is one of my favorite bands. I have had a ticket since July, and I just found out yesterday that I am going to have to work Saturday morning. The show is in Salt Lake, and I've decided that it wouldn't be worth it to drive up there, and then have to drive right back. So, like a fool I am not able to go to the show.

I guess it is ohk though...I have seen them twice before. But you know, there can never be too much of a good thing, right?

Here is a video of one of my favorite Thrice songs, Deadbolt. This is the acoustic version of the song. It is a delightful song, sure to bring much pleasure!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Sometimes it seems the world is out to get us. And by the world I mean every time we wanna bike The Jem trail, something seems to go wrong. The first time Morgan went, I had to stay in Cedar to go to the Dr for my knee. The second time that we went there was a race that no one knew about, and they closed the trail. And then today the weather was against us. But, we were determined. And we prevailed.

It was an amazing ride! It turned out that the weather decided that it wasn't angry at us, and the clouds blew over. It was still a little chilly, but bearable. We were having so much fun, and then my bike decided that it was done. It was persuaded of this by a sharp rock. A rock that decided to puncture my front tire. We ended up walking the rest of the trail. Oh was fun while it lasted. Maybe next time we will be successful for the entire adventure...maybe.

Friday, November 13, 2009

This Good Night Is Still Everywhere

Wahoo! I love Christmas! Yeah...I do realize that Thanksgiving hasn't even come yet...but that doesn't mean that I can't be excited for it!

Today Morgan and I went and purchased our Christmas Tree tag! This is something that my family has done everywhere as far back as I can remember. I love it! Why pay outrageous prices for a tree from a lot, or get a fake tree when you can get a tag for $10.00 and cut down your own?! It makes complete sense to me. Besides, then you can really choose the tree that will be right for you! It's always so much fun!

I am not sure where we are gonna go exactly, but that is half the fun! We're gonna have to do some re-arranging to get the tree to fit in the our house, but it will be amazing! I am super excited!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

If I Ever Leave This World Alive

I love Date Night. Its the one night a week that I know no matter what else is going on that Morgan and I are gonna be together. Today we drove down to Washington to go to a corn maze! I bought us tickets last week, but by the time we were able to start date night it was far too late to make it down to Washington for the maze, so we decided to do it this week. We left Cedar at 3:30-ish. It took us an hour to drive down there. We were the only ones there when we got there. I had looked online and knew that they were still open until November 7. So I knew we would be ohk. However there wasn't anyone there. The ticket office was closed. The corn maze had "No Trespassing" signs up. So we were very confused. We parked and I got out to look around. Apparently they didn't open until 5:00. So we decided to just sit and wait the hafl-hour. 5:00 rolled around and still no one. Finally around 5:30 a farm worker came around. I got out and asked him if he knew anything about the corn maze. He looked at me and said; "Ah...I don't know much about anything. I'm just a dumb farm hand." I didn't argue that fact. Eventually I talked him into calling someone to see if we could just go and do the maze. He was able to reach the farm owners, and they said to just let us in for free...which was super convenient since I already paid...

So after an hour of waiting Morgan and I were finally able to go through the maze. We were the only ones there. Which I did like. It was a lot of fun. We didn't get lost at all. I just love being able to spend time with Morgan. She is my favorite, and I love her so so SO much!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Last Remaining Light

I don't like it. Nope. I mean, sometimes I do. But the majority of the No, I just don't see the point. I am talking about the changing of the time!

It's just one measily hour. And we move it essentially I am able to stay up later, but does that mean I get one hour less of sleep? Or is it the other way around? I just don't know! Why can't Utah be one of those states that decided against Daylight Savings Time?

I love the winter. I love the snow. I love the cold. I love the feelings of it...but I do not love how the sun sets at 5:00 pm! Why can't I have it all? The snow, the cold, and the sun up till 9:00?!

I will get used to it. But just know that I am gonna complain until I do...