Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Great Disappointment

So...SUU officially started over 2 weeks ago. For those who are familiar with the college way-of-life, you prolly know how important grants/student loans are in the life of a college student. I for one, know they are very important to me. Especially now.

Back in July I logged into my SUU Student Profile to set up a Direct Deposit for my student loan monies to go into. Knowing full well that I would not be in the Cedar City area during the time of the disbursement of the checks. This was not a complicated process at all. I soon received an email from SUU notifying me that I had done it all correctly.

About the 15th of this month I received a notice from the good people who run fafsa telling me that my money would be available after August 19th. I was very happy. And in desperate need of the money. So I wrote an email to SUU, just to make sure that I would indeed be receiving the money around that date, and that it would be deposited into my account. I was assured it would be, and I rejoiced.

The next thing I knew it was August 24th, and I still had not received my money. So because I am smart, I called SUU. I was told that I had a check sitting there, and they were wondering when I would be able to come by and pick it up. A little frustrated, I told the chick that I am living in Minnesota, and would not be able to swing by campus and grab it. I asked her if the controllers office would be able to send it off to me that day. I was told that they would make sure of it. I verified my Mankato address with her four times (I kid you not), said 'thank-you", and hung up the phone.

That Friday after checking my mail, and noting another day of no check, I called SUU to follow-up with them about mailing my check on Tuesday. I was told that the check was still sitting there, and they would be sending it off soon. More frustrated, I told them that I needed it, and please send it today! Again, they said they would.

The next week rolled around. I had the feeling to call again. So I did. I was told that they mailed the check off to my parents address in Utah. I decided at that point to keep my cool, and not tell the girl that I thought she was a brainless twit. So I then called my parents and told them to keep a lookout for the check.

Days passed, no check at my house or my parents. So out of pure frustration I sent an email to the managers of the Controllers Office at SUU. I told them how upset I was, and basically said that a kindergarten student could run the office better than they have been.

The next day I received my check through over-night FedEx. The system works.

1 comment:

  1. Yip, I am glad it worked for you Josh! You are a great writer, Love Mom
