Am I just incapable of addressing my needs? I wrote out that budget, but forgot about the fact that I don't even have car insurance and the money I spent on Morgan would cover that for me. I am finding that I constantly justify and rationalize anything that I want. I wanted to get her something nice for what do I do? I convince myself that I can afford it, and go and spend the money that I don't have.
I think that I am making some good progress towards these issues. I have a long term goal, and many short term goals. I have a plan on how I will accomplish each of my goals. I have met with financial counselors to see what advice they have for me. But is all that gonna matter when I just rationalize whatever the hell I want?
My friends know I do this. My family knows I do this. Morgan knows I do this. Why can't I see it? It is a problem that I have had my whole life. And quite frankly, I am very good at it. I am good at getting what I want. But I can't seem to grasp reality. Even when I think I am, I still justify and rationalize everything.
Morgan is a very wonderful person. She loves me. She proves that to me time and time again. She has been very tolerable and patient towards me and my actions. I never ever thought that these characteristics would be so detrimental to me and to my relationships. But they have. I have neglected myself and my basic human needs in order to get what I want...what I have rationalized. By her stepping out of our relationship, I am forced to reflect on myself. And take care of ME. And that is something that I have needed to do for a long time.
I need to find myself again. I need to embrace reality. I need to take care of me. There is a time and a place for addressing the needs of those I love. But how can I do it, if I am not taking care of me?
I love her so much. And that love has kinda poisoned me. I have been addicted to her for a long time. And pulling away has been hard. It is hard. But it is necessary if I am ever gonna be the Josh that I was when we first started dating. The Josh that moved down to Cedar City with her. I know that he still exists. I just need to bring him to the surface again. I need to be a complete person by myself. And that means addressing and taking care of me.
Wow, Josh I am glad to see that you are realizing things, it's about time... Love Mom