Friday, July 23, 2010

Zapatista, Don't Give Up

Once again I am job searching. It seems like I am a professional at this. I go in to stores/businesses/clinics/restaurants/etc... ask for a resume, fill it out, and schmooze the manager. Then two days later I follow-up with that manager, and hope for the best. I really hate it.

I was so happy when I first got the job at ISJ. One of the first thoughts that went through my head, was that I would not have to really search for a job again for a long time. I was wrong.

In the past three days I think that I have filled out over 30 applications. So so many. With even more to be filed out. Tomorrow I am dedicating another full day to the cause.

I have one interview set up for next week. My goal for tomorrow is to have 3 more. That is very achievable. Wish me luck!

Morgan has been gone for two days already. They have gone by quick. I do miss her. I always do miss her when we are apart. I love her more than words can describe. But this time that she has been gone has been different than past instances. Usually I miss her terribly. Even when I am very preoccupied with things. The thought of us being apart is so strong always in my mind. It makes being apart rather difficult for me. But this time I have been really at peace with the situation. I have this feeling--that everything is okay, and fine--. I am loving it. It has made these past few days very good. Especially considering I am not really doing anything. I mean, I am out applying for a job, and filling out applications. But I could just sit around and complain over my current situation. I think that this feeling has been a very good blessing.

I am very hopeful that I will be able to find a job here. I do like Minnesota. I am becoming used to the humidity. And somewhat used to the stupid mosquito's. I want to start a new life for myself here. There has to be a reason why God had me come here in the first place. And I am determined to find out what that was.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the job searching, I know you will find one. If I could I would hire you because you are a dang good worker. I love you Josh, keep us posted, and I love your blog, it is very well written. Remember that everything has it's opposites... this too shall pass. Love Mom
