Friday, February 5, 2010

Losing Patience

Goodness! Let me tell you a story.

Morgan and I are on our way to San Francisco for URTA Auditions. We leave our house in Cedar City at 5:30 to allow for plenty of time for us to get to Las Vegas for our 8:20 flight. The car is all packed, and we're on our way when we remember we forgot cold medicine. So I call my brother Garrett (who is kindly watching the dog), and have him meet us at the gas station with the meds. While there we fill up with gas, and ensure that we actually do have everything else. Garrett comes, he makes the delivery, and we finally leave.

I'm driving down the freeway with my cruise control set at 82. I figure thats a good speed. Not too fast that I'm gonna get a ticket, but not too slow that we aren't gonna get to the airport in time. All the sudden some car speeds up behind me. So, being the courteous driver I am (sometimes...) I move over so this dude can pass me. He doesn't. He slows down too. And so I start to wonder. Morgan asks if it is a highway patrol, and I tell her no. I didn't think it was...but I was wrong. Lights start flashing, so I pull over.

I start to worry. Currently, thanks to Iron Counties terrible justice system, I still have a warrant out for my arrest for ridiculous reasons. I decide to just play it cool. You know, what I do best. The highway patrol comes up to Morgan's window. He asks for my license, and the registration for the car. He then says the reason why he pulled us over was because he couldn't find the registration on the car. Morgan hands him the stuffs, he takes a look, and asks me to step outta the car. He points out the fact that the plate on the car, and the plate number on the registration is different. So all he did was ask us to find the correct plate, and fix it. Lucky. Apparently we never switched the license plates over from when Morgan purchased the car. Whoops. So I took the next exit, and did a little switch-a-roo.

So we proceed from that point to Vegas just fine. We find good parking, and head into the terminal. I take a quick glance at the map, and see where our flight will depart out of. So we head out of the terminal we were in, so we could board a bus that will take us to the correct terminal. We wait a few minutes, and then bus comes. We are the only ones on it, so I start talking to the driver. Good thing too. Apparently I read the map wrong. So, he takes us back to the correct terminal (where we were to begin with), and we run through security, and finally make it to our gate.

We get there, and the guy at the desk asks us if we had just ran to get there on time. I guess it was pretty obvious. He then tells us we had no reason to, the flight has been delayed two hours. So, we take a seat and wait.

Well, its been two hours already. They just made an announcement it will be delayed two more hours. We may never get there....

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