Thursday, December 30, 2010

I'm Sorry

A beautiful rose blooms,
It grows and matures.
Others bask in its beauty,
And share in the natural joy.

The rose is tender and young,
And continues to grow on its own.
Living and breathing,
The rose pushes on.

Scared for the rose,
The gardener holds it tight.
Thinking he's saving it,
He presses it even harder.

Now what was once beautiful,
Lies broken in his hands.
Unable to let go,
The gardener weeps.

The beautiful rose,
His cherished love.
Crushed by his grip,
The beauty is gone.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Learning How To Smile

Yay for Christmas! It has always been my favorite time of the year. My favorite holiday, by far! It has been nice to spend it with my family. They are really wonderful people. And have made it a special Christmas. I thank them for that.

My family draws names for who we get gifts from, and who we give Christmas gifts to. I drew Seth's name. But due to circumstances, was not able to give him more than a Coca-Cola and a candy bar. Derek drew my name, and gave me some wonderful gifts. He went out of his way for me. Thanks Derkinra!

There was a moment when I got really upset with things though. We went over to Seth and Marissa's place to see what they got for Christmas. While Seth was showing what he got and I got so mad. Not at them. Not that they got different Christmas gifts...but mad that his life is progressing. And mine is not.

Then I got mad that I can't even be happy on Christmas. That the only way that I can be really happy is when I think of the future. That I will be happy when I get my life in order. Or when I am in Dental School. Or when Morgan and I are back together, and enjoying life together. And that really irritated me. I should be able to find happiness in whatever situation I find myself in. But lately, the only time I find me being happy is when I look to the future. And that is something that I would like to change.

It isn't fair to me. It isn't fair to my family. It isn't fair to Morgan. I need to be able to find happiness with myself, and not rely on other people to provide that for me. I need to be complete.

One step at a time though. Change will come. Things will progress. I can't expect all these big changes to occur in one week. But I can be happy and enjoying life in the mean time. And that is my goal now.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Fairytale Of New York

It was Christmas eve babe
In the drunk tank.
An old man said to me, "Won't see another one."
And then he sang a song,
'The Rare Old Mountain Dew.'
I turned my face away
And dreamed about you.

Got on a lucky one,
Came in eighteen to one.
I had a feeling
That year's for me and you.
Said 'happy Christmas,
I love you baby.
I can see a better time
When all our dreams come true.'

They've got cars big as bars
They've got rivers of gold.
But the wind goes right through you
Its no place for the old.
When I first took your hand
All your fingers were blue,
But I promised you Broadway was waiting for you.

I was handsome,
You were pretty;
Queen of new york city.
When the band finished playing
They howled out for more.
Sinatra was swinging,
All the drunks they were singing,
And we kissed on a corner
Then danced through the night.

And the boys of the NYPD choir
Were singing Galway Bay,
And the bells were ringing out
For Christmas day.

The apartment was cluttered,
And it smelled like the gutter.
Where my sad broken promises
Lay with the trash.
Every cold dreary night
We'd end up in a fight
And I'd pray as you'd yell
That a train'd rattle past.

And the boys of the NYPD choir
Were singing Galway Bay,
And the bells were ringing out
For Christmas day.

I could have been someone
You said "So could anyone."
And that I took your dreams from you
When first you found me.
But I kept them with me babe,
I put them with my own.
I can't make it all alone
I built my dreams around you.

It's Christmas eve again, in the drunk tank.
I'm an old man now, I won't see another one.
So I'll a sing a song, and sleep when I am through.
And dream of another life--where all our dreams came true.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

I Knew You Before

1,200 miles. 22 hours. And we're back in Utah!

It was actually not as long as a drive as I thought it may have been. Morgan and I had some good conversations. I will be honest though...yesterday was quite rough. I cried quite a few times. I broke down a lot. And hurt inside even more. I wanted so desperately for us to be together. I wanted to touch her, to kiss her. To hold her hand. To rest my hand on her leg. To feel the connection that I have felt before. To be validated in our love. But, as I realized, that isn't helping...ME.

Those things, although they mean the world to me, have continually hurt me. I take a strong hold on these moments, and cherish them. And that isn't a bad thing, but when I focus on them and not my problems, they become bad. They become detrimental to me.

I think that is why I struggled so much yesterday. And why this has been so hard on me. And to be honest, I haven't really approached this the way that I should. I have been trying to fix this problem for me. But not entirely. I have wanted to fix it, while Morgan and I are still together. And still essentially a couple.

I need to be more serious about this. If I don't fix this now, and Morgan and I eventually break-up completely, then I will just take these trends and this problem that I have onto the next relationship. The more I think about it, the more I realize that I have prolly had this problem my whole life. But it has been masked by "caring" or "love" or whatever other positive thing. And again, those are great qualities. But there really needs to be a limit. I need to be the most important person in my life. I do. Then I will be able to take care of those around me. Without it being detrimental to me.

I love Morgan so very much. I respect and love her for what she is doing for me now. She saw a serious problem. She tried many approaches to help me fix this. But when they eventually failed, she took a harder approach. And I am very grateful to her for that. I don't love this situation at all. But I recognize that this really is the best thing for me. I need to find myself again. And she is helping me to do that. She is standing right behind me, supporting me. And loving me from afar, rather than up close. She is sacrificing too. I realize that. And I love her for that. She is a very wonderful and caring person. Who desperately wants the best for me.

I can do it. I can honestly say that I am confident now. I don't need to spend any more time trying to dissect my problem. I see it now, and now need to devote my time and energy to fixing it. I need to be strong. I need to stand up for me, and what will be best for me. No matter how hard that will be. I need to really start taking care of me. Me first. Then I will be able to help others. But only then.

I can do it. I can!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Losing Touch

I am tired.

Tired of having mental break downs every five minutes. Honestly, I don't really have any tears left to cry.

I am really thinking that there is more to this codependency than I originally thought. I have lost all self-worth. All self-esteem. I really have lost touch with who I am.

And I hate that.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I Get It

I've been fighting a fight that I never really understood until now. And I still don't fully understand it, but I now know what I am fighting.

It is referred to as co-dependency. And it is a mental illness.

Essentially it means is that I put the needs of everyone else far above the needs of myself. I have begun to live my life for other people. And nearly everything that I do is for someone else. Not for me. I have been so focused and obsessed with making sure that people are taken care of. More than my responsibility should have been. I have been addicted. And like any addiction, it has sent my life on a downward spiral.

There are steps that I can take to fix this. It is something that is fixed through behavior modification, not chemical modification. I am hoping to meet with a therapist within the upcoming week. And I have found a local support group that I plan on attending.

Recognition is the first step towards fixing anything. And I recognize this.

Friday, December 10, 2010

So Strange I Remember You

How is it that I am so thick?! Yesterday I cashed my check from work. I came home and wrote out a budget for the month. It took me nearly two hours. After I finished I saw that I had about $50.00 left over, so my very first thought was: "I should go to the mall and get Morgan something for Christmas". This is after we had talked and decided that we were not going to do gifts this year. And after I had already bought her other Christmas stuff a month ago. (Granted, all but one of those items were returned...) And I didn't go and buy these gifts because I thought Morgan secretly wanted something. She made herself very clear to me. I bought them because I NEEDED to go and spend this money. I needed to.

Am I just incapable of addressing my needs? I wrote out that budget, but forgot about the fact that I don't even have car insurance and the money I spent on Morgan would cover that for me. I am finding that I constantly justify and rationalize anything that I want. I wanted to get her something nice for what do I do? I convince myself that I can afford it, and go and spend the money that I don't have.

I think that I am making some good progress towards these issues. I have a long term goal, and many short term goals. I have a plan on how I will accomplish each of my goals. I have met with financial counselors to see what advice they have for me. But is all that gonna matter when I just rationalize whatever the hell I want?

My friends know I do this. My family knows I do this. Morgan knows I do this. Why can't I see it? It is a problem that I have had my whole life. And quite frankly, I am very good at it. I am good at getting what I want. But I can't seem to grasp reality. Even when I think I am, I still justify and rationalize everything.

Morgan is a very wonderful person. She loves me. She proves that to me time and time again. She has been very tolerable and patient towards me and my actions. I never ever thought that these characteristics would be so detrimental to me and to my relationships. But they have. I have neglected myself and my basic human needs in order to get what I want...what I have rationalized. By her stepping out of our relationship, I am forced to reflect on myself. And take care of ME. And that is something that I have needed to do for a long time.

I need to find myself again. I need to embrace reality. I need to take care of me. There is a time and a place for addressing the needs of those I love. But how can I do it, if I am not taking care of me?

I love her so much. And that love has kinda poisoned me. I have been addicted to her for a long time. And pulling away has been hard. It is hard. But it is necessary if I am ever gonna be the Josh that I was when we first started dating. The Josh that moved down to Cedar City with her. I know that he still exists. I just need to bring him to the surface again. I need to be a complete person by myself. And that means addressing and taking care of me.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

On The Floor

Over two years ago Morgan told me that Haylee has a religious following. This is for her dearly devoted. It is not the greatest video that I have ever made. But I think it does the job. :-)

I love this dog. I really don't know what I would do without her. She is our little angel.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

All The Small Things

Morgan and I have been on "break" status for a week now.

It has been a hard week. I would be liar if I said that I have not struggled with things. I find that every chance I get to talk with Morgan I am trying to "define" things. And hash-out the problems. Something that I know can be wearing on a person. But I haven't done it for that reason. I would never.

I have a very logical mind. I see a problem, and naturally come up with the most logical solution for it. I have always been this way. I think it is one of the reason that I handle stress so well. And really crappy situations well. I don't allow myself to freak out, or get stressed. I fix things as soon as possible, in a calm and orderly way. And I love it. I love to know that whatever happens in my life, that I will be able to react in this fashion.

But I think that the reason that I have been going back to Morgan, and trying to "hash" things out with her. And to find a "definition" for this problem that we find ourselves in, is simple; because I have allowed myself to not see the problem. Honestly. And talking with her, and trying to understand her viewpoint has helped me out a lot. Allow me to explain.

For over a year Morgan has been telling me to go and hang out with friends. She has been telling me that I need to be more social. That I need to be out living my life rather than sitting at home, waiting for her to come back. I have argued that I don't need friends. That I have enough friends back in Provo and Springville (during Cedar City times), and back in Utah (for Minnesota times). I have told her that I have work friends and that I really don't need any others. Now you can call me a liar. Because I was. I knew that when I was saying all this, and trying to convince her of it that I was right. I would think that she wanted me to go out and have fun with other people because she didn't wanna spend time with me. That she was sick of me. Or whatever dumb reason that crossed my mind. And believe I KNOW how pathetic that all sounds. I had no reason to think these things. Morgan has always been supportive of me. She has always been loving and appreciative of all the things that I have done for her. So why would she be "sick of being around me"? I admit, it makes NO sense at all.

I have gained prolly forty pounds or so since we started dating. I am not proud of that. Some days I would see Morgan acting a little different towards me, and have naturally thought that it is because of my weight gain. Even when I have asked her about it directly, and she tells me that she loves me no matter what. So I would start a diet, and start exercising more often. Something that I love. I love to run. And lift weights. And exercise. It is one of my favorite things to do. But I would do all these things for the purpose of fixing that small issue that I saw in our relationship. Even though I was told that it was not an issue at all. So ask me now if I have lost that weight yet...

There have been many many more instances that I could describe. Some that are far too personal to share to any random reader. Or even to my Mom, because I think that it is only her and Morgan that read this...

But with all this "hashing-out" that we have done lately I have made some very good discoveries. I know that this sounds incredibly cocky, but I think that I am a very smart person. My grades will suggest otherwise. But I have never really ever had to study for any test. Yet always get one of the top (if not the very top) score in my classes. I have a near-perfect photographic memory. That has always come in handy. But with all this, I have some how missed some of the most obvious things in life.

Morgan wasn't telling me to go and be with friends because she didn't wanna hang out with me. She simply saw the obvious fact that I was sacrificing who I was in order to somehow spend an extra five minutes with her. She wanted me to go out and have fun, and be ME. People need a break from each other all the time. I remember my parents saying that to me quite a bit. But with me being around all the time, I never really gave her a break. And more especially, I never gave myself a break. I liked always being there for her. Being ready for her every beck and call. I know that sounds ridiculous. I do. Now.

I think that the reason why I have never really lost any weight while on a diet or exercising like a mad man is very simple: I wasn't doing it for me. That prolly doesn't make much sense, I am dieting and exercising, how is it not beneficial for me? I don't think that I really was doing it for me. I saw the problem as a couple. And tried to address and correct the problem as a couple. Not as an individual trying to correct a very individual problem.

I have been so focused on the "us" between me and Morgan. And have completely neglected the "me". Which was something so very prevalent in our early days of dating. There was Josh. There was Morgan. And there was us. But lately (and I mean, the last year and a half) there has been Morgan, and there has been us. Josh somehow forgot who and what he was.

Now the real pathetic thing to all this is I know better. I have always, always been an individual person. I loved the person that I was. Somehow I allowed myself to get so caught up in being a couple that I forgot that I even existed. Morgan has been pointing this out to me for a long time. But I have been to stubborn to see it. She has been really patient and hopeful that I would just take care of it... But I didn't. And not because I didn't want to fix the problem, but simply because I didn't see the problem.

Notice how many times the word "I" has appeared? This is about me. This is about me.

Last night I looked through one of our old facebook photo albums. I saw a different couple than I see today. One picture in particular stood out to me. I starred into our eyes, they were just so full of love for each other. We were so much happier. We were a couple, yet individuals at the same time.

I don't know when I lost focus of my needs. I really wonder at what point that happened. But I do know that I need to take care of them. I need to exist in my own life before I can expect to exist in someone else's also. I realize that this is not the only issue at hand between Morgan and I. I would be a fool to say so. I also know that this will take some time to be fixed.

Friday night I went and saw a movie with a co-worker, The Next Three Days. I really enjoyed it. And had a lot of fun. This is the first time that I have done anything for myself since... July of 2009??? It was long over-due.

The whole message behind this blog is quite simple... I understand. I finally understand.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Artist In The Ambulance

Late night, brakes lock, hear the tires squeal
Red light, can't stop so I spin the wheel
My world goes black before I feel an angel lift me up
And I open bloodshot eyes into fluorescent white
They flip the siren, hit the lights, close the doors and I am gone

Now I lay here owing my life to a stranger
And I realize that empty words are not enough
I'm left here with the question of just
What have I to show except the promises I never kept?
I lie here shaking on this bed, under the weight of my regrets

I hope that I will never let you down
I know that this can be more than just flashing lights and sound

Look around and you'll see that at times it feels like no one really cares
It gets me down but I'm still gonna try to do what's right, I know that there's
A difference between sleight of hand, and giving everything you have
There's a line drawn in the sand, I'm working up the will to cross it and

I hope that I will never let you down
I know that this can be more than just flashing lights and sound

Rhetoric can't raise the dead
I'm sick of always talking when there's no change
Rhetoric can't raise the dead
I'm sick of empty words, let's lead and not follow

Late night, brakes lock, hear the tires squeal
Red light, can't stop so I spin the wheel
My world goes black before I feel an angel steal me from the
Greedy jaws of death and chance, and pull me in with steady hands
They've given me a second chance, the artist in the ambulance

I hope that I will never let you down
I know that this can be more than just flashing lights and sound

Can we pick you off the ground, more than flashing lights and sound

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Today I went in for my follow-up appointment with Dr Kearney. He says that my knee is healing up really nice. He was impressed with how quickly I heal. I am always happy to hear that.

He also told me about the problem that he found while in surgery. Basically the cartilage on my knee is falling off. The articular cartilage that holds the femur to the knee joint and tibia is either cracked and going to completely split from the femur, or is bubbling up (similar to a blister) and will "pop" off.

So surgically speaking there are two approaches. 1; open the knee, remove the torn cartilage completely from the knee, and micro-fracture my femur. Which essentially means that after they cut the cartilage away they will drill 20-50 tiny holes into my femur and let it bleed and hope that the body will naturally repair the bone and cartilage. I would be on crutches for 6 weeks, minimum. With no weight bearing at all with my right leg. 2; open the knee, clean the torn cartilage, and place plastic anchors into my femur through the destroyed cartilage. Basically the same thing that I had done in 2008 on my right shoulder. This would also be 6 weeks of crutches and no weight bearing.

Tomorrow I am having another MRI to hopefully see which one would be best. Right now I am indifferent towards it all. They would both suck. 6 weeks of crutches would be hell. Anyone who has had to use crutches knows my pain. It would also make work difficult, considering I also do surgery. I would make it work. I am no wimp, so I would find a way to make sure that I could go into work everyday.

I am saddened by all this though. I was really hoping that last weeks surgery would be my last. I am only 25 years old, and have already had all of my major joints operated on. Some twice. Sometimes I feel like I am cursed and am falling apart (quite literally now with my knee...). I am not complaining, or looking for sympathy. Just trying to work things out in my mind.

I asked Dr Kearney what he thought would have caused all this, and he just said the only thing that he could think of would be a major blunt trauma. Like me jumping off some incredible height and landing very hard on my feet, without cushioning my knee at all. But if that were the case then I would have the same problem with my left knee, right? So I have no idea what caused all this. But he also said that it is something that has been happening for quite some time. At least a year and a half. And it will not heal on its own.

I know that things will work out. I am staying positive. That is all that I can do.

On a side note, here is an article that kinda describes what is happening with my knee. It is a fairly interesting read.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What I Can't Describe

I have never been a fan of Thanksgiving. Honestly, I think that it is a terrible holiday. I love the food. I love the feeling of gathering with family and loved ones. I love that we get work and school off. But I always end up sick. My stomach just can not handle the food, and I usually sit in misery. Luckily Morgan and I have been able to pin point more specific foods that make me sick, and we try to avoid them. That has been very helpful.

This year we celebrated together at Morgan's apartment. One of her friends from school came over as well. It was nice. We cooked some delicious food, and had tons left over. It was the first time that I have really cooked Thanksgiving. Granted, Morgan cooked most of it since I was fairly loopy from the surgery and drugs. I really enjoyed being able to celebrate with her.

But that is not what this blog post is about.

About two hours after Morgan and I got back from the surgery center on Wednesday my landlord came pounding on my door. I let her in, and she very furiously asked my why my rent check had bounced. I had no idea it had. I told her that I would get her the money by Friday, and she left appeased. After that we sat down and pulled up my bank account to find that I was over $300.00 in the hole. I called US Bank, and asked why I had so many overdraft charges and why my checks were bouncing. I was told that since I am filing for bankruptcy, they can not legally cash my checks. A rule that is very specific to US Bank only.

We talked for quite a while about my finances. I cried a lot. Not due to my surgery hours before, but because of my embarrassment about my fiscal situation. We decided that we may need to take a "break" in our relationship so that I can work out this junk. But that we would talk about it again before we came to that conclusion.

Thursday I woke early and set out a plan that would help me fix this. I created an Excel document that had all my estimated paychecks from December 2010-June 2011. Along with all my known expenses (rent, utilities, gas, groceries, phone, etc...). Basically a very thorough budget for the next six months. I also did some research and found a Financial Counselor that would be able to help me stick to this plan, and also evaluate my situation to see where I could improve. It was a good start. But with it being Thanksgiving, it was all I could do.

Our two-year anniversary was Friday. Morgan had too many class projects to do, so we decided we would celebrate on Sunday. So I prepared some food (salmon, taters, muffins, and peas), and Morgan cooked it all so I could stay off of my knee. After a delicious dinner we sat on the couch and just enjoyed being with each other. We had planned to go see the new Harry Potter movie, but Morgan had a dance rehearsal and lots of homework due on Monday. So sitting next to each other was a perfect substitute.

That was when Morgan told me how she was feeling. She told me that right now, she just can not handle the stress of my financial situation. That she felt that we needed to go on a "break" until I fix this. It was not what I wanted to hear. Nor what I had expected.

I was basically numb. We talked about it. I told her how I felt about it. How I feel that I can work on this, and we can still be dating. I told her that I didn't want to lose her. That she is the person that I love the most in this entire world. That she means the world to me. That I would work the hardest that I could possibly work to get this fixed. That I was not happy about this decision. And she told me how she felt. That she does not think that I can fix this while we are still dating. That I don't handle the money well, and how she feels she distracts me from things. This being something that I can not afford to be distracted by. And that she just can't handle the stress of it right now.

It really didn't help that I had taken two Vicodin moments before this conversation. I felt loopy. I felt sad. I felt like I was at a loss.

After waiting to see if I was going to be alright, she kissed me. Told me that she loves me. That she misses me, and wants me to come back to her as soon as possible. I told her just how important she is to me. That I love her too much to not fix this. I kissed her again, hugged her, and she left.

I laid on that couch for a good 45 minutes. I was breathing, but I think that was the only body process going on in my head. I was very sad. I didn't expect this. I never imagined it. Eventually I got up, and did some much needed homework.

The next morning I woke up and immediately felt the effects of the night before. I felt like my heart was ripped straight out of my chest. I felt hollow. But, I also had a task to do. And dwelling on the pain that I was feeling really wouldn't help me. However, it is a nice motivating factor.

Morgan and I have been dating for over two years. In those two years I have either been unemployed, or have been barely working enough hours to pay for the small bills. Rent was always a problem. Every month was such a struggle for me to come up with my share of rent money in Cedar City. Many times I had to sell things to get by. Twice I was late, and told our landlord I would get the money to him when I could. It has always been a problem.

It was the same story with groceries. Gas for our vehicles. Money for trips and dates. Restaurants. Movies. Every time that I would swipe my card at a business I would wonder if I actually had enough funds to cover the expenses. There were plenty of times that I didn't. Those times Morgan would help. She didn't have to, but she did anyways. She was always there to help me. I would always pay her back the moment that I could. But still felt terrible about it.

Then there was the fact that my Toyota Tacoma was repossessed in June of this year. Between paying rent, and groceries I had not been paying the entire monthly payment on my truck. I really loved that truck. I think for a long time I have been placing the blame on America First for not working with me more. Truth is it was my fault. Entirely my fault. It was me who made the conscience decision to not pay the bill entirely. It was me who did not work enough hours to pay those bills. Yet Morgan stood by me, and was strong for me.

Month after month I struggled. Month after month I would tell Morgan that I was getting things squared away. And sometimes I was. Some months I was doing pretty well financially. But it was always the same problem.

In August I began my new job working as a Surgical Assistant in an oral surgery center here in Mankato. It felt so good to be making money again. That first month I made a budget. And I actually stuck to it. September came, and I forgot about my budget. I was paying my rent money. Gas and groceries were getting better too. In October I moved into a new apartment. I had the money to pay the security deposit and first months rent. It took quite a bit from my checking account. And I think at this point was where I started to make my error again.

I was still working, but admitidly it was for fewer hours. Dr Marlow had more days off, and instead of me coming in and working with Dr Kim, I decided to take the days off too. So my checks were getting smaller, but my spending habits stayed the same.

The weather continued to get colder. And I knew that I would eventually need to retire the scooters for the winter and get a car. A co-worker told me of a website where you can bid on cars for fairly cheap. I went home and without really looking into it, I bid on a car. I eventually won the auction. And the price of the car soon doubled after their fees and registering the car. It was great to have a vehicle again. I really did need it. But I should have done more research into the system rather than jumping fully into it.

Seth and Derek came out to visit in the beginning of November. It was such much fun. I had a really good time with them. This trip was expensive. I am grateful for the help that Seth and Derek gave to me in paying for parts of it.

Looking back I see where I have made my errors. It is easy to look back and see what I should have done differently. The trick is to be looking ahead, and seeing the difference between what I can honestly afford. And seeing what I would like to be able to afford.

I need to be more responsible with my money. I really do. I need to start saving better. I can't keep struggling and worrying about where I am going to get the money for rent. I can't keep filling up a shopping cart with food, and looking at Morgan for help when the cashier tells me my check has been declined. I can't keep pawning off my stuff to pay for gas in my car.

Realistically, I shouldn't have to do these things. I am working 64 hours a pay period, and I get $13.00 an hour. I make enough a month to pay for these things. So why do I constantly struggle? It doesn't make sense. Why do I keep telling Morgan that I will work this out? Saying; "it's is just this month, I will get it fixed".

I need to be more reliable with my money. I do. I need to know that I have enough funds in my account to pay for the things that I need. Morgan needs to know that also. She shouldn't always wonder if she is going to have to pay for the things that I need. I am very grateful for her help. But I have taken it too far...I never intended too, but I allowed it to happen.

I have a plan. I am filling for bankruptcy. That will be a big relief. I am also planning on paying rent for January-May upfront to my landlord in January. This will allow me to save quite a bit during those months. I am also meeting with a Financial Counselor. We will take a look at this plan, and see where I can improve. Ultimately I need to fix this for me. It is not healthy for me to live my life like this every month. Let alone the stress that it puts on my loved ones.

I miss Morgan. I do. But I am hopeful. I know that things are going to work out. I know that. I want us to be a family again. I am not mad or upset with her. She made a very brave decision to go on "break". She cares for me, and wants the best for me. I know that. I am writing this to tell you, who ever you are, that I am aware of this problem. That I am very actively pursuing a solution. It's up to me to fix this. And I am going to.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Rumors of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

I think that I am healing up really well. I have been taking it easy...for me anyways. My "Wolverine" instincts help lots in these situations. I couldn't help but take some pictures for your enjoyment. They're not the best pictures, but I think they do the job.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Twenty-Twenty Surgery

Yesterday I went in for my latest knee surgery. I was actually kinda nervous about it. I never could pinpoint why. I knew that it was something that I needed to have done. It should have been done over a year ago...but kept being pushed aside.

Now that the surgery is done, I am feeling a little less-than thrilled. Basically the surgeon told me that what he had thought was a meniscus tear was actually just a build up of knee plica. He also said that the cartilage on the femoral side of my knee cap is cracking and is beginning to slide off. He said that this is the first time that he has seen anything like that in his entire career...and wasn't exactly sure how to proceed. So I am going in to see him and a few of his colleagues on Wednesday and discuss my options. But basically what I thought would be my last knee surgery only proves to be a stepping stone for further surgeries.

Morgan has been very supportive of me. And she has been taking great care of me. I am very lucky to have her in my life.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Winter's Tale

So last night Morgan and I left the gym as it was starting to snow a little. My car was just lightly dusted, there really wasn't much at all. But we were both excited for our first snowfall in Minnesota!

We had no idea what we were in for...

Needless to say we were shocked. We had planned a winter adventure, but due to the astronomical amount of snow, (and the fact that we couldn't move the car) we just decided to order pizza and watch some Simpsons. It was still fun.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Number Five With A Bullet

This past weekend was different than any I've had recently. Seth and Derek came out from Utah and visited me! It was a lot of fun. Allow me to tell the story of our adventures.

Their flight landed around 4;30 Minnesota time. I picked them up, and we made the drive down to Mankato. After a delicious dinner at Grizzlies we headed to my place.

The next day I gave them a tour of Mankato. Then we headed back up to the Cities. I reserved us a hotel in Bloomington so that we would be close to all the activities in the area. We first headed up to Target Field, home of the Twins. It's such a beautiful stadium. Then I gave them a quick tour of downtown Minneapolis. Next we headed off to The Mall of America. And we were prolly there for a good 3+ hours. Then back to the hotel room for the night.

We woke up early the next morning to make sure that we would be ready for the Minnesota Vikings game! We hit up a McDonald's drive-through for breakfast, then got on the train to take us to the stadium.

It was a very fun game. We all ate some hot dogs, and popcorn. The Vikings pulled off an incredibly lucky win. It was a fun experience, and the first NFL game for all of us.

We came back to Mankato after the game, and just chilled. They left the next afternoon. It was so good to see them. And just be able to be with them. I am happy that they came out. I think that we are gonna have to make this a new tradition.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Every Penny Fed Car

Well, today is exactly four months since my Tacoma was repossessed by America First. It has been a hard couple of months. Seth and Marissa graciously gave me their scooter before I moved to Minnesota. And I have been riding it around everywhere. In the sun and heat. Also in the rain/snow and freezing cold. Morgan has been great too. When she isn't using her car, she has been very supportive, and has let me borrow it. She has been a great help. But I decided four months was long enough.

That's right. Today I bought a car. Finally! Earlier this week, a co-worker of mine told me about a website called Charity Car Auctions. So I checked it out, and was amazed by how cheap these cars were selling. I bid on two cars. A 2002 Ford Focus, and a 1995 Saturn SC2. It came down to the final minute, but I won the Saturn! Wahoo!

Morgan and I drove up to St. Paul and picked up my car. It is not the world's most beautiful car ever, but I am just happy to have one again. Besides, $359.00 (plus tax and fees) isn't a bad price to own a car again.

I have been really blessed recently. I am very, very grateful. Thanks to everyone for your prayers and concern in my behalf. Thank you. Enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Love is an interesting thing. It is a feeling completely different than any of the other feelings. Happiness/joy/anger/frustration/envy/hunger/etc. all seem to fade after time. Whether you address the underline cause or not. But from my experience, love doesn’t fade. It grows.

Morgan and I have nearly been dating for two years now. I can say that I have never been happier with anyone ever before in my life. She lights up my life. She teaches me. She inspires me to want to be better. And excel in every aspect of my life. And I love her for that.

Today Morgan texted me and said there was a package coming for me, and she wanted me to be at her house to receive it. I was surprised, and anxious. And excited. So she came and picked me up. We ate some day-old pizza, and then she had to go back to school. Soon after she left, the package arrived. I was excited. It was a rather large box. But I decided to wait for her to come home until I opened it. So I waited. The time seemed to go by s.l.o.w.l.y.

Eventually, she was back. I opened that box with vigor, and discovered a new Goose Down coat. Some extra warm gloves. And a super soft ear warmer. Morgan had just re-equipped me with new winter wear. Calling it our “Happy First Winter in Minnesota!”

My heart melted.

This is what I mean about love. Morgan tells me all that time that she loves me. And she does nice things for me all the time. But opening a box that is filled with new outerwear that will keep me warm while I ride around on the scooter in freezing weather… That was different. She saw a need. And she took care of it.

I am a lucky man. I am lucky because I have someone in my life that helps me in the obvious, everyday things. And because she sees needs that I have never brought up, and she takes care of them. She constantly surrounds me with that love. You know, that feeling that doesn’t fade, but grows.

I love her. I really do.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010


It's been a while since I last blogged. I would apologize, but then at the same time, I don't really have anything to blog about.

Things have been pretty much the same for me lately. I wake up, go to work. Maybe see Morgan. Do some homework. Go to the gym. And go to bed. Just to wake up and do the same thing all over again. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy with the consistency that life has been throwing my way lately. I am very glad to be working. And school is coming along. I am still behind on some classes, but I think that I am catching up at a good pace.

Life is good right now. I am happy.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Party Song

Today was a fun day. It was a very busy day. But a wonderful day.

Morgan and I woke up this morning, bright and early. We began our day spray painting serving trays. Then committing highway-robbery at a thrift store. Then decorating. Then baking. Then arranging.

Then partying.

We celebrated Morgan's 26th birthday today. It was a lot of fun. Morgan has been working on her "Alice in Wonderland" dress for quite some time now. And I must say, she has done an amazing job. I am very impressed. I dressed up as Hamish. Alice's beau of some sorts. It was a last minute costume, but worked alright. A few other people dressed up as well, and that made it super fun.

It was prolly the best party that I have been to in a long time. We made all sorts of themed treats, and drinks. Morgan has posted pictures from the party, here! I would highly encourage you to view them.

Next we are gonna throw a Harry Potter party in honor of the new movie. I think I am gonna dress up as Hagrid. What do you think?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

U, U, D, D, L, R, L, R, A, B, Select, Start

About two years ago I basically stopped going to the gym. A lot of that had to do with my shoulder surgery, and my inability to work-out...and a lot of that had to do with me being a little lazy. Honestly.

Today I got a new gym membership. With the same company that I had in Utah. I am desperately in need of it too. I have prolly gained about 45 + pounds within the past two years. It would be good for me to go anyways. I love to workout. I love to run, and lift. It is relaxing for me. And I have noticed that when I have to pay for a membership to a gym, that I do go more often. So I am hoping the past will still prove that theory.

I have set a goal to go four days a week to start. It really shouldn't be that hard of a thing either considering I ride my scooter past the gym everyday to work. I will just need to pack clothes and workout. I need to do this. I do.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Give It All

Yay! They did it!

The Atlanta Braves are back in the playoffs! This is the first time that they have made the playoffs since 2005. IT'S ABOUT TIME!

This Thursday, October 7th (Morgan's birthday and Derek's birthday) the Braves will be playing the San Francisco Giants. My brother Seth and I won't be friends for a while. I am predicting my team will beat his team in 5 games.

You can follow it here!

Autumn Beds

So Morgan and I decided to take a drive today. A drive with a pick apples!

Last night I searched online to find a place that we could go and pick apples. I found a place called Minnesota Harvest. After we woke up and ate some Crunchy OH's cereal, we took off.

I am learning that I don't particulary love the Minnesota roads. We took the main highway outta Mankato, only to find that it was again closed at St Peter. So detour we went. And of course our half-hour drive turned into a 1 1/2 drive. But we finally got there!

It was a lot of fun! We first went to an apple tasting center. I've never eaten so many apples before in my life. But there were some amazingly tasty apples. Then we got our bag, and took off down the path to pick our own apples.

Our 15 pound bag, turned into a 25 pound bag. We have so many apples! I am excited! It was a lot of fun. Here are some pictures!

Morgan also blogged about it too. Here!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Gotta Get Away

Today is a good day. Today I moved out of my first apartment in Mankato, and into a much better one. I am so happy to be outta there too! So happy.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What Happens Next

It is getting to be that time of year again. The time of year that I stress over things that don't particularly matter...but still manage to play a big part of my life. What is that? You are right, Major League Baseball. But specifically, the Braves.

From May to the beginning of September the Braves were first place in the National League East Division. I was actually very surprised that they had done so well. I kept telling Morgan that they should be "crapping out" soon. And I was right. The Phillies have won the NL East. But the Braves are currently in first place for the National League Wild Card race.

I am hoping that they can hold it. They have only three games left. All against the Phillies. Could be a very crucial time in baseball.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So Much Beauty In Dirt

As far back as I can remember my family has always taken a Labor Day trip. And we go to the same spot every time. Lower Bowns Reservoir. You may say that is boring to take the same trip year after year...but you would be very wrong to say that. For the beauty and the wonder of that area is unsurpassed. Without exaggeration it is one of my favorite places on Earth. I love it. This year, I will not be going.

Everyday I am with Morgan I am reminded of more reasons why I love her. We both LOVE to travel. Taking random trips to places neither of us have been to is excited. I love it!

A few days ago Morgan and I decided to take advantage of my paid vacation, and go exploring in Northern Minnesota. We found a spot that looked good. And we left.

A beautiful four hours north of us lies a town called, Duluth. It is built right on the shoreline of Lake Superior. Here is a map! It is quite possibly one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. The water is dark blue. Deep and entrancing. We fell in love immediately.

We ventured further along the coast. Making stops at Gooseberry Falls, and Split Rock Lighthouse. Hiking and taking pictures along the way.

I have always wanted a woman who is not afraid to go camping for days. I mean, real camping. You know, tent in the middle of the wilderness. Eating food cooked off a small camp grill. Fishing. Hunting. Hiking. Exploring. I am so lucky to have Morgan in my life!

After an amazing camping trip, we headed to Minneapolis and a Twins game. It was an amazing weekend. I need another.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Great Disappointment

So...SUU officially started over 2 weeks ago. For those who are familiar with the college way-of-life, you prolly know how important grants/student loans are in the life of a college student. I for one, know they are very important to me. Especially now.

Back in July I logged into my SUU Student Profile to set up a Direct Deposit for my student loan monies to go into. Knowing full well that I would not be in the Cedar City area during the time of the disbursement of the checks. This was not a complicated process at all. I soon received an email from SUU notifying me that I had done it all correctly.

About the 15th of this month I received a notice from the good people who run fafsa telling me that my money would be available after August 19th. I was very happy. And in desperate need of the money. So I wrote an email to SUU, just to make sure that I would indeed be receiving the money around that date, and that it would be deposited into my account. I was assured it would be, and I rejoiced.

The next thing I knew it was August 24th, and I still had not received my money. So because I am smart, I called SUU. I was told that I had a check sitting there, and they were wondering when I would be able to come by and pick it up. A little frustrated, I told the chick that I am living in Minnesota, and would not be able to swing by campus and grab it. I asked her if the controllers office would be able to send it off to me that day. I was told that they would make sure of it. I verified my Mankato address with her four times (I kid you not), said 'thank-you", and hung up the phone.

That Friday after checking my mail, and noting another day of no check, I called SUU to follow-up with them about mailing my check on Tuesday. I was told that the check was still sitting there, and they would be sending it off soon. More frustrated, I told them that I needed it, and please send it today! Again, they said they would.

The next week rolled around. I had the feeling to call again. So I did. I was told that they mailed the check off to my parents address in Utah. I decided at that point to keep my cool, and not tell the girl that I thought she was a brainless twit. So I then called my parents and told them to keep a lookout for the check.

Days passed, no check at my house or my parents. So out of pure frustration I sent an email to the managers of the Controllers Office at SUU. I told them how upset I was, and basically said that a kindergarten student could run the office better than they have been.

The next day I received my check through over-night FedEx. The system works.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Today marks the final day of my first two weeks of my new job. And it feels so good!

I am so happy to be working again. I have not have a full-time job for over two years now I am learning a lot at this job. I will soon be X-Ray Certified. As well as Anesthesia Certified. Which I am very excited about.

I do like it. Hooray!

Friday, August 13, 2010

A New Hope

I am so happy. Today was the end of my first week of work at Associates in Oral Surgery. It was the first time since Christmas that I have worked a full week. It feels so good.

I am really enjoying this job. I have some fun co-workers, and the Dr. is really good about teaching me. Plus he took me to lunch on Tuesday to an authentic German place. Things have been really good.

I decided that after 6 weeks I would finally unpack myself. I have been holding off because my apartment is supposedly being rebuilt...but the work has never started yet. I would actually rather find a new place. That will come in time.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


I don’t even know where to begin… These past few weeks have been rather difficult. Moving across the country to Minnesota. Looking forward to starting a new job, and a new life here. Then losing the job before I even had a chance to start it. Realizing that I have nothing. No money. No job. No real prospects. And having to start all over from the beginning.

I do not even know how many hours I put into my job search here in Mankato. I turned in dozens or applications. Printed off many, many resumes. Spoke with lots of businesses and possible employers. Became discouraged and depressed. Started to doubt my feelings. Grew strong again, just to fall when people kept telling me “no”. But I kept at it. It was my only option.

I set a date, a date that if I was hired then I would stay in Minnesota. Or if I was not able to find a job by that date, then I would start preparing to move back to Utah. I told the Lord of that date. I told Him that I would do everything in my power to have a job by August 6th. I told Morgan. And my parents. My brothers and my friends. I knew that I would be held to that date if people knew about it. I also knew that if I wanted the best chances of securing a job by the 6th that I would really need to work hard. I needed to put my job search first in my priorities. I can honestly say that I did that.

Today is August 6th. I must say that I have been really discouraged through this week. I thought that with all the work that I have done, that I would see more progress than I have. It has been a difficult week. And has gone by too fast. It has been hard for me to keep my faith, and trust in the Lord. I have wanted to know what is happening. I have wanted to know if I can unpack my stuff, or if I just need to repack my things, and start the long drive back to Utah. I have wanted today to come, but at the same time, dreaded its arrival. I have had to be more patient and calmer than I think I have ever been in my entire life. It has been hard. I have just wanted answers.

I had two interviews today. One with Best Buy and one with Maurice’s. Both were second interviews. Neither was too stellar. As I was riding my scooter to the mall for my interview with Maurice’s I had the impression that I should stop by the oral surgery site that I applied at and kinda remind them I am still here. I wasn’t too sure if I wanted to. I wanted them to know that I was very serious when I gave them a resume. But I also didn’t want to be a nuisance. I didn’t want to keep pestering them. I texted Morgan about my feelings, she told me that she wouldn’t think I was bothering them too much, and if I felt that I should see them, that I should go.

When the interview was over, I rode over to Associates in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to say, but trusted that I would say what I needed to. I walked in and said “hi” to the receptionist who was very happy to see me. We chatted for a minute, and then she asked if I would like to see Kim. I told her I would love to. A few minutes later Kim came out. She assumed that I was there to follow up with her, and quickly said that she had not had the opportunity to speak with the Doctors. I told her that was fine, and I really came by to say hello, and see how their day was going. She seemed a little taken aback and said that was nice of me. She then told me that she would be sure to pin the Doctors down and get an answer out of them today. I told her I would love that. I said thank you, and I left.

I got back on the scooter, not entirely sure why I was prompted to go there, but happy I did. I stopped by about 15 other businesses and followed up with them on my way to Morgan’s apartment. None of which really gave me any decisive news. By the time I got to her apartment it was after 5:00 pm. The work week had ended. I was starting to feel really depressed at this point. I had felt so sure about me being in Minnesota. So sure that this was indeed where I needed to be at this moment in my life. And now by deadline had come and I really didn’t have anything. As I was sitting and stewing over my feelings, my phone rang. It was a 507 area code number. Knowing it had to be someone in Mankato, I quickly answered it. It was my bishop. He was calling to see what I had found out. I had told him of my deadline too, and now he was following up with me. I told him that I tried my best, but still don’t have a job. He told me that he was very impressed with me. He said that he has never seen anyone who is so diligent and hard working as I am. That made me feel better. I told him that I stopped by the oral surgery site, but they still hadn’t made a decision yet, but that I would keep him informed. He told me to stay strong. It was a good conversation.

I sat down on Morgan’s couch. Started petting the Haylee, when my phone rang again. It was another 507 number. I answered it. Kim from Associates in Oral Surgery was on the other line. She told me that she had just spoken with Dr. Marlow. She really didn’t seem too enthused to be speaking with me, and my heart kinda sank. She then said that Dr. Marlow was impressed with me, and wanted to bring me on full-time. It was rather hard for me to restrain my excitement. She asked me if I could start on Monday, and I quickly said “yes”. She told me they were excited to have me start for them. And after she told me that I needed to cut my hair, she said “good-bye”.
I am not sure how long I just sat on the couch. My prayer was answered. 5:35 pm on Friday August 6th. My deadline. The complete end of the work week and the end of the work day. I had held the Lord to a date. I had down everything in my power to find a job, and had left it up to him. And he helped me.

I am so very grateful to the Lord for answering my prayer. And so grateful for all the prayers and thoughts on my behalf. I have learned a lot these past few weeks. I have learned the importance on hard work. Of not letting my feelings drag me down, but to stay strong. I have learned how important it is to keep my faith in God and his miraculous power. I will be honest, I would have rather had my answer sooner, but because it came when it did, I have learned the importance of not giving up. And to have patience. These are lessons that I never want to forget.

A month ago I never would have imagined what would lay in store for me. I never would have dreamed of all that I would have to go through. But, I am grateful for the challenges that I have had to endure. They have made me stronger. I never want to go through them again! But if I do, at least I know that I can.

Monday I start a new job. I start a new life in Minnesota. I am excited!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Reach For The Sky

That's it. It is no longer in my hands. I can honestly say that I have done all in my power. I am now trusting.

I have spent the last two weeks out pounding the pavement looking for work. I have not allowed myself a break, but have been very diligent and very determined to find something that will help me. I have applied everywhere that I could think of. For jobs that I have no skills towards, to jobs that I have done in the past. I have not been picky. I have not been proud and stubborn. I have been humbled everyday by rejections. But I have not given up.

Today I fasted for help. This is not the first time that I have done this in the past few weeks. But today's fast was a little different. I fasted today to tell the Lord that this is out of my power now. That I have done all that I can. That my job search is now in His power. I am exercising my faith and hope in Him. I understand that I may not have my prayers answered in the way that I want. I understand that giving my will to the Lord truly means I have given it to Him. It is no longer mine. I also understand that this does not mean that I should sit around and wait for employers to call me. No, I need to still be out there everyday. I still need to work hard. I still need to do all that I can. I still need to be exercising my faith in the will of the Lord. And that is what I will do.

Friday, July 30, 2010

All These Things I've Done

Today I had my "working interview" with the Oral Surgery site. I think that it went really well. I was there for 4 1/2 hours. I watched one surgery, then the Dr asked me to come in and assist him on the rest. I did my best. I hope that the two Dr's there saw that I was more than willing to help out. That I am not shy. That I try. That I am social, and try to get to know the people that work there. I can only hope. I would love this job. This is what I want to be doing the rest of my life. I want to graduate from Dental School, and start on an Oral Surgery rotation. I would love it. I can not even begin to describe how badly I want this job!

I also have had interviews for other jobs. A floor sweeper at the hospital. A Pharmacy Tech also at the hospital. A representative at a call center. A dispatcher for a trucking company. And several positions at the Mall.

I have more applications to turn in, and even more places to follow-up with. I am determined. I will get a job. I know it.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Feel Good Drag

I think that things are starting to settle in now. I have spent nearly every waking hour of everyday trying to find a job. Filling out applications. Giving away resumes. Scheduling interviews. Having interviews. Following-up. I am starting to get tired. And I am starting to get a little discouraged, and a little depressed.

I have successfully scored a part-time job with Journeys at the mall. The pay is minimum wage, and I may get up to 10 hours a week. I am happy that I do have something. But realistically I need more. I need more work. More pay.

I have had quite a few very good interviews. Two more at the hospital. Neither of which are doing what I would want to do...but I am not picky. One with a trucking company. Quite a few at the mall. And one that I am really hoping for, an Assistant at an Oral Surgery center. I actually go back for a "working interview" with them tomorrow. I am very excited about it. I will have the chance to show them that I am a very hard worker. And that I do know what I am doing. And that I would be a very good asset to the team.

With all that success that I have had, I still do feel a little discouraged. I think the seriousness of the situation has been sitting on top of me rather hard. I need a job. I need a good paying job. I am trying to stay hopeful, and stay positive. But I am finding that to be hard right now.

I still feel really good about being here in Mankato. I love it here. I do. I want desperately for things to work out. I know that if they don't that my family and friends would readily accept me back in Utah. I am very grateful for that. I still feel that I need this. That I need to be here. I feel as if I have some lesson to learn or something. I am trusting my feelings. I am putting faith in them. I hope that it pays off.

I am not sure why I am starting to be discouraged and depressed. I think that I have had quite a bit of success for the amount of time that I have been searching. I think that I am missing interaction with people. Real interaction...not just during an interview. I have been trying to make friends at Journeys. I just still feel as if there is a big hole missing in me.

But I can't let it get to me. I need to stay focused. I need to stay positive, and not begin to doubt. Right now though, I am finding that to be much harder than it has been in the past.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Get It Faster

I made this video on Sunday. Haylee and I have been enjoying our time together. We missed Morgan. She makes the "family play time" complete.


Friday, July 23, 2010

Zapatista, Don't Give Up

Once again I am job searching. It seems like I am a professional at this. I go in to stores/businesses/clinics/restaurants/etc... ask for a resume, fill it out, and schmooze the manager. Then two days later I follow-up with that manager, and hope for the best. I really hate it.

I was so happy when I first got the job at ISJ. One of the first thoughts that went through my head, was that I would not have to really search for a job again for a long time. I was wrong.

In the past three days I think that I have filled out over 30 applications. So so many. With even more to be filed out. Tomorrow I am dedicating another full day to the cause.

I have one interview set up for next week. My goal for tomorrow is to have 3 more. That is very achievable. Wish me luck!

Morgan has been gone for two days already. They have gone by quick. I do miss her. I always do miss her when we are apart. I love her more than words can describe. But this time that she has been gone has been different than past instances. Usually I miss her terribly. Even when I am very preoccupied with things. The thought of us being apart is so strong always in my mind. It makes being apart rather difficult for me. But this time I have been really at peace with the situation. I have this feeling--that everything is okay, and fine--. I am loving it. It has made these past few days very good. Especially considering I am not really doing anything. I mean, I am out applying for a job, and filling out applications. But I could just sit around and complain over my current situation. I think that this feeling has been a very good blessing.

I am very hopeful that I will be able to find a job here. I do like Minnesota. I am becoming used to the humidity. And somewhat used to the stupid mosquito's. I want to start a new life for myself here. There has to be a reason why God had me come here in the first place. And I am determined to find out what that was.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

You Can't Always Get What You Want

I saw her today at a reception
A glass of wine in her hand
I knew she would meet her connection
At her feet was her footloose man

No, you can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
And if you try sometime you find
You get what you need

I saw her today at the reception
A glass of wine in her hand
I knew she was gonna meet her connection
At her feet was her footloose man

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you might find
You get what you need

Oh yeah, hey hey hey, oh...

And I went down to the demonstration
To get my fair share of abuse
Singing, "We're gonna vent our frustration
If we don't we're gonna blow a 50-amp fuse"
Sing it to me now...

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you just might find
You get what you need
Oh baby, yeah, yeah!

I went down to the Chelsea drugstore
To get your prescription filled
I was standing in line with Mr. Jimmy
And man, did he look pretty ill
We decided that we would have a soda
My favorite flavor, cherry red
I sung my song to Mr. Jimmy
Yeah, and he said one word to me, and that was "dead"
I said to him

You can't always get what you want, no!
You can't always get what you want (tell ya baby)
You can't always get what you want (no)
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You get what you need
Oh yes! Woo!

You get what you need--yeah, oh baby!
Oh yeah!

I saw her today at the reception
In her glass was a bleeding man
She was practiced at the art of deception
Well I could tell by her blood-stained hands

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you need

You can't always get what you want (no, no baby)
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you need, ah yes...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Another Bag Of Bricks

Well, I had my meeting today. I had lots of questions answered, but that was about it. I am officially jobless. Again.

I was very frustrated but kept my cool. I gave many scenarios, but it didn't seem to matter. I moved across the country for a job that I no longer have. And I will be honest, my faith is a little wavering right now. I just do not understand.

Oh well, I guess I will just do what I do best...bounce back and start over. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and kind thoughts. I am sure good things will come.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Don't Stop Believing

I can't sleep. It's 2:13 am, and I am tired. I have taken some Tylenol PM, but they don't seem to have kicked in just yet. Morgan and Haylee have been a sleep for hours already, but I just kept tossing and turning. So, now I am up. Rather than fighting a problem that should have gone away on it's own...I am embracing it, and making good use of my time. I suppose anyways.

My mind just won't shut off. Thoughts keep running through it. And no matter how I try to dissect them, they just keep coming up.

I moved out to Minnesota to take a job with Immanuel St. Joseph's Hospital in Mankato as a Surgical Tech. The day after Morgan and I pulled into town I went to the Hospital to have my final pre-employment evaluation. I was told that because of my many surgeries that they would need to see if I would need any accommodations in order for me to preform my duties as a Surg. Tech. I told the nurse practitioner that I was seeing that I have never had any problems before in the past, and do not for see any in the future. She told me that someone in Human Resources would get back to me. So I waited. I called HR, and was told that I would need to wait possibly a week for a decision to be made in my behalf.

I waited. I kept believing. I would not even let the thought enter my mind that I might not actually have the job that I left Utah for. Then on Thursday of last week I finally heard back from the hospital. I was told that according the the nurse practitioner that I saw, I would not be able to preform the job without serious modifications. And that the hospital would not be able to make those modifications for me.

Just like that my worst fear was realized. They were revoking my job from me. I was graceful on the phone. But asked what I could do. I was told that my best bet would be to try to get in contact with my (would be) supervisor and try to work something out. I set to work immediately. I would not lose this job. I tried calling, but never reached either supervisor. So I sent an email to them. Never heard back. The next day I decided to just wait at the hospital until I was able to speak with them.

I arrived at Same Day Surgery around 11:00 am. I asked the nurse at the desk to speak with my supervisor. Said that it was me, and just would like a few minutes time. She went and relayed my message. She came back a few minutes later, and said that my supervisor was in a meeting that would last most of the day and wondered if she could just pass along my message. I told her that I would just make myself comfortable, and wait for my supervisor. An hour and a half later the same nurse came up to me, and told me that my supervisor told me to try to schedule a meeting with her and someone from Human Resources for Monday, and we would be able to talk then. I said thank you, and left.

I took this as a little victory on my end. They weren't just trying to avoid me. They were willing to meet with me, and discuss this situation.

I tried several times to reach the Human Resources lady, but without any success. I left a message describing what my supervisor had requested. And now I am waiting.

This is why I haven't been able to sleep. This is why I am still wide awake and writing this story. In a few hours I hope to hear from Human Resources with a time that I will be able to have my meeting. Maybe I am being a little dramatic, but it seems that my future is hanging on the outcome of this meeting. I can only hope that good will come from it. That I will be able to show them that I do not need the modifications that the nurse practitioner wrote up for me. And that I can preform the job perfectly as I am. Believing that it will allow me to be able to walk out of the meeting with my job back. Believing. Hoping. Wishing. Praying.

Friday, July 16, 2010


It's done! It took a few days. . .But I finished. I decided to make the scarf for Haylee instead of for me. She doesn't seem to like it much, but I am sure she will appreciate it when winter comes. Haha! Here are some pictures. I think that I will try again to make a Josh scarf. With better luck I hope though.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Morgan and I are crocheting scarves now. Yep. We are bored. But making the time pass. It's actually kinda fun. Morgan's is much better than mine. But...still long ways to go.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I Am The Highway

Ugh... That was a long drive. So Morgan and I met up in Park City on Monday and left at about 11:30 am. We stopped in Omaha to stay the night with my Aunt Cheri. We got there at about 3:30 am. The next morning we left Omaha again around 11:30 am, and after many long hours we arrived in Mankato at 4:30 pm. It was fun. But long.

Here are some pictures from the drive.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Fond Farewell

Yesterday I left Utah. I left my family. I left my friends. I left my home. I left my truck. I left all that I knew behind me.

Today I arrived in Mankato Minnesota. Today I came to my new home. Today, I am starting life all over again.

I was very sad to leave my family. I love them very much. They are wonderful people. My parents have always been very supportive of me. And I am very grateful for that. My brothers have been my best friends all of my life. Seth and I have been very close. We have basically done everything together. He has been a great strength to me. I will miss him. Derek and I are probably more similar in life than we would admit. We are both very stubborn. We are both very strong. And this had let to many fun adventures. He is very fun to be around. I will miss him. Garrett is my youngest brother. Garrett and I have had each other our whole lives. It seems that I have always been able to talk to Garrett about whatever, and know that he has an impartial view for me. And vice versa. I will miss our conversations. And our jam sessions. And life with the Killo-G. Then there is Marissa. She is great. I will miss being able to make fun of her. She is a very caring woman. Seth is lucky to have her in his life. I will miss them individually, and I will miss them collectively.

I was able to say good-bye to some of my friends while I was in town. But there were some that I was not able to. I am very lucky to have the friends that I do. They have always been there for me. I will miss them.

The thing that I have learned about life, is that it always goes on. No matter what happens. Good or bad. And everything in between. That is my attitude right now. I have just left everything that I know behind me, to start over in Minnesota. But I know that it will all be there to welcome to back whenever I want it to. Life goes on.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

For Miles

Good-bye Cedar City. You have been real. You have been. . . good. It's all over now.

I left Cedar City last night around 10:30 pm. It had been a very, very long day. I finally made it into Springville at my parents house around 2:30 am. I was very tired. But safe.

My last day in Cedar was less than happy. After I had my truck fully loaded, and was getting ready to take off, a repo man came and took my truck. I had been very good about keeping up on my payments with America First. But I had been late on a personal loan, and a credit card. And they decided to take my truck as collateral. There was nothing I could do. Unless I had $6,500.00 just laying around. . . And who has that? So I quickly unloaded the stuff in my truck. And Unhooked the trailer. Then with the help of my Dad, got a 17-foot U-Haul truck. Only problem was that I needed to take the U-Haul trailer to Enterprise (45 miles west), unload the trailer and load the truck without any way to get there. Thankfully my neighbor was able to help me get the trailer to Enterprise. Then finally, 5 hours after first arriving in Enterprise, I left with the truck all loaded.

I was tired. I was sore. I was hungry. And about to pass out from heat exhaustion. But I made it back.

Good-bye Cedar City. Thank you for the memories.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Having A Blast

Today Morgan and I decided to take a break from the drudgery of packing. So we went back to Kanarraville Falls. I thought this was very fitting, cause this was the first "adventure" that we had together when we first came to Cedar City. And now it will be the last. We made it to the end of the trail. It was a lot of fun. I loved it. I love adventures with Morgan. I just love her. Here are some pictures and a video from our last adventure in Cedar City.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

This Time Imperfect

Well, once again I am packing my life. Packing for a new adventure. A new opportunity. And a new chance to start life over again.

Last year as Morgan and I were moving down to Cedar City, I compiled my moving history. Lets just say that for someone who is only 25 years old...I have moved an awful lot in my life. Around 18 times. Give or take a few.

I have mixed emotions about this. I am very excited to start life over again. It is something that I do love. I love change. I love the chance to grow, and become stronger. But it will be different. Morgan and I will not be living together at first. There are some things that I need to work out. We are still very much together. And still very much in love. I just need some time to reconnect with myself. I think that it will be a very good thing. Something that I need. But I will be honest...I am not too thrilled about it. I love seeing her everyday. I love coming home from school or work and being there with her. I love cooking meals for us. And eating together. And falling asleep together. And everything else. I am going to miss that. Hopefully I can get it all worked out for the better.

Leaving Cedar City is going to be easier than I thought it would be. It is funny though...looking back at when we first came here, we LOVED it! We loved the scenery. We loved the availability of activities. We loved being here. We would brag about it to people. To family. To you. At some point during the past 11 months, that changed. I still find this area beautiful. I still think that there are some super fun things to be done here. But, I do not know if it is worth all the hassle that we have endured. We both came here to further our education. To work. And to experience more out of life than Utah County was offering. My job was wonderful for a month and a half. I was working full-time, and bringing in really good money. Since then I have struggled to pay for gas. School was not too great either. I will just summarize by saying that I can, and will do MUCH better. I think that I have made a few good friends here in Cedar. But altogether, I do not believe that I have ever met more selfish, backbiting people in my entire life than the people that I have met and associated with here in Cedar City. And those things have seemed to over weigh the things that we fell in love with originally.

I am moving to a beautiful new place, Mankato Minnesota. I have a full-time job that does not fluctuate hours depending on what people order from the internet. School will be better. It has to be if I am going to accomplish what I want in my life. I have no choice on the matter. And the people there are the nicest people I have ever met in my entire life. I am excited.

I am leaving a lot behind in this move. I am not talking about material possessions. I am talking about the things that actually matter in life. My family. My friends. And memories. I will miss them all. Minnesota is only two states away...1,400 miles or so. I will miss seeing my family as often as I have been afforded the opportunity here. I will miss my friends. I have some very good ones. I will miss my memories of this place. But I guess that just means that I get to make some new ones.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Down On The Street

...Sigh... This wasn't really my week. Why, you ask? Well, please allow me to explain.

Last Wednesday, while I was working FedEx I back the gigantic truck into a parking space between two cars. There was plenty of room between the vehicles. As I was pulling out of the space, I cut the turn a little too early and managed to hook my FedEx truck onto the suburban. I didn't realize this until I pulled the suburban with me about 5 feet. Luckily the owner of the suburban didn't care at all. I left a few scratches on it. But that was it. I was extremely lucky!

On Monday after I was all loaded and ready to start deliveries, my truck decided to be a jerk and would not start at all. It took my boss's truck, and another driver's truck to finally get my to start. Then when I was about 10 miles out of town, and in the middle of no where doing my deliveries my truck died again. Four hours later I was able to start delivering again.

Then today I was helping out our other driver. When the day ended he parked his truck at my house so I could take the truck down to the terminal, and he could get off work a little earlier. I had a few errands to do first, so I moved the truck across the street. The without thinking I closed the door on the truck with the keys in it. Those of you who are unfamiliar with these huge nasty trucks, once a door closes, it is locked. So, I had conveniently locked the only set of keys in the truck. Needless to say at this point my boss was quite frustrated with me. We were able to use a pry bar and lift the back door. Thankfully without any damage to the truck.

What a week huh? Thankfully it is now over.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

King Nothing

Today I had the wonderful opportunity to work with a new surgery practice. An Orthopedic group. I say "wonderful" but by no means do I actually mean that.

This experience was possibly the worst surgery day of my life. The Doctor (although very knowledgeable) was nothing more than a pom pus jerk. For the 10 + hours I was there all that was talked about was how all the other doctors in Utah were terrible, and had no idea what they were doing. And how he was God's blessing to the world. Or, it was just straight sex talk. With every other word out of his mouth being the infamous f*** word. But it wasn't just him. Once he started, then everyone else seemed to think they could join in. And that's just what they did. Let's just say that it was less than enjoyable.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Well, finally I have a place to live! Wahoo!

Today I made my decision. I am not sure why it took me so long to come to this conclusion. I feel really good about it from the beginning. But I suppose that there is no harm in taking some time to make sure things are right.

If you read my last post, then you know I was debating between two places. One that was closer to the hospital. And one that was further away. Today I chose the one that is further away. It is a little more a month, but comes with so many more options. All the utilities are paid for. It is a two bedroom apartment. It comes with a washer and dryer. And a storage shed! Plus, the landlord is super nice. I really like the dude...and I've never met him yet!

With all that said, I am still a little nervous. I have not seen this place with my own eyes yet. I could be really shocked when I get there in 3 weeks. It could be a terribly nasty, dirty, disgusting place. Or it could even be better than I have imagined. I am up for a surprise either way. I feel good about it though. I am sure that everything will work out for the best!

July 5th, 2010 will be my last day in Utah. I am not sure when I will be back. I am excited for this next adventure in my life.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

How's It Gonna Be

The decision that I thought would come pretty easily has turned out to be much harder than I thought it would be.

Immanuel St. Joseph's Hospital in Mankato, Minnesota wants me to start either June 21, 2010. Or July 12, 2010...all depending on when I am able to get a place to live and start working. I have narrowed my choices down to two. I feel good about both of them. One is quite larger than the other...but is farther away from the Hospital and everything else in town. One of the landlords seems really chill, the other seems rather indifferent to everything but himself. They are both about the same price. One comes with utilities paid, the other does not. One is available now, the other is not available until July 1st. One of them has a floor plan that I can view, the other I am trusting looks good. With no means to go back out to Minnesota to look and decide for myself in person, I am left to those details.

See, it is a hard decision. I need to come to a decision this week. As soon as possible. I think that I have made my mind up...I just am waiting to see if I have made the correct decision. But I don't know if I'll know that until I get there. It's turning out to be more of a leap of faith than I had thought it would be.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Final Countdown

After 7 months of waiting, I finally go to court today to fight a ridiculous traffic ticket. I ticket that has seemed to haunt me since November. If I win the court case then all of it should be taken off my record. However, if I lose then I could be looking at hundreds in fees, and possible jail time. It was stupid. It is stupid.

Oh well, lets just hope that I can win. That's all I want.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Reason Is Treason

It seems that every post that I write that has anything to do with my bike is a sad post. Today follows that suit.

Morgan and I have been riding our bikes everyday lately. We have been trying to get at least 10 miles in a day. And really start our triathlon training. So today we decided to take a different path today. It was a really fun ride. About half way into it the road turned into a dirt road. Which is great since we are both riding mountain bikes. But my bike decided to be a jerk again. I was randomly thrown off my bike and directly into the path of Morgan. She maneuvered outta the way and missed running over me. Here are the after-effect pictures.

If that wasn't is a video of me riding my bike afterwards.

I walked the rest of the way. That is until I was rescued by Morgan. I love her.