Saturday, December 11, 2010

I Get It

I've been fighting a fight that I never really understood until now. And I still don't fully understand it, but I now know what I am fighting.

It is referred to as co-dependency. And it is a mental illness.

Essentially it means is that I put the needs of everyone else far above the needs of myself. I have begun to live my life for other people. And nearly everything that I do is for someone else. Not for me. I have been so focused and obsessed with making sure that people are taken care of. More than my responsibility should have been. I have been addicted. And like any addiction, it has sent my life on a downward spiral.

There are steps that I can take to fix this. It is something that is fixed through behavior modification, not chemical modification. I am hoping to meet with a therapist within the upcoming week. And I have found a local support group that I plan on attending.

Recognition is the first step towards fixing anything. And I recognize this.

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